I know you about BPA before in water bottles but I just heard that it is in foods too - is that right?
Great and very current question! The newest research on BPA* in foods was done close to home by the University of Texas School of Public Health. They shopped grocery stores in Dallas and then went back to the lab to analyze the foods. Here is what they found: "the Texas contingent locally purchased three samples of each of 31 types of canned or plastic-packaged foods. Another four examples of fresh meat and eight different types of pet food were also collected. All were analyzed for BPA — and
60 percent of the different food products hosted measurable quantities. Ironically, pet food contained less of the pollutant than did most of the items destined for human consumption."
The tested foods weren't just generic, cheap brands but well known foods like Del Monte Fresh Cut Green Beans sporting 26.6 to 65 nanograms of BPA per gram of product; Progresso Light Homestyle Vegetable and Rice Soup with 15.6 to 22.7 ng/g; Campbell’s Condensed Chicken Noodle Soup with 4.46 to 7.05 ng/g; and Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs with 4.31 to 5.04 ng/g.of food.
Should we be concerned about this finding? These levels may not be harmful when looked at individually but over time and with use of multiple products the exposure to this chemical may be much higher.
* BPA or Bisphenol A is a chemical that acts as a hormone in the body.
Source: Science News Novemeber 2, 2010